20 Oct 2023
USDA FNRI: Biofilm management in irrigation lines and hydroponic lettuce solutions using sanitizing chemicals
Paulo Rodrigues, University of São Paulo, Maria Fernanda Trientini and Paul Fisher, University of Florida
Evaluation of the effects of four sanitizers on (A) biofilm control within mist irrigation lines, and (B) biofilm and plant growth in hydroponic lettuce cultivation.
Fisher Biofilm Article (563 KB)
20 Oct 2023
USDA FNRI: Interactions of fertilizer and chemical sanitizing agents in water
Paul Fisher and G. Mohammad-Pour, University of Florida
Quantification of interactions between fertilizers and chemical sanitizing agents in nutrient solutions.
Fisher SanitizerInteractions Article (441 KB)
20 Oct 2023
USDA FNRI: Effects of Cold Plasma and OzoneWater Treatment on Micronutrient Solubility
Dharti Thakulla and Paul Fisher, University of Florida
Evaluation of the effects of cold plasma and ozone treatment on oxidation of iron and manganese in nutrient solutions containing one of four iron chelates.
Fisher ColdplasmaOzone Article (2615 KB)
9 Apr 2019
Survey of Suspended Solids in Irrigation Water of Ornamental Plant Nurseries and Effects of Filtration
Jinsheng Huang, Ph.D. ; and Paul R. Fisher, Ph.D. (University of Florida)
Survey of Suspended Solids in Irrigation Water of Ornamental Plant Nurseries and Effects of Filtratio
Huang and Fisher Filtration Efficiency 2019 (1625 KB)
27 Mar 2019
Quantifying the Acidic and Basic Effects of Vegetable and Herb Species in Peat-based Substrate and Hydroponics
Ryan W. Dickson (University of Arkansas) & Paul R. Fisher (University of Florida)
Quantifying acidic and basic effects on the root zone pH in peat-based substrate and hydroponic nutrient solution and determining the applied NH4+:NO3" ratio expected to have a neutral pH reaction.
Quantifying the Acidic and Basic Effects of Vegetable and Herb Species (672 KB)
1 Jan 2019
Meeting US Nursery and Greenhouse Growers’ Needs with Water Conservation Extension Programs
Laura A. Sanagorski Warner (Universitry of Florida), Alexa J. Lamm (University of Georgia), Sarah A. White (Clemson University), Paul R. Fisher (University of Florida), and Peyton N. Beattie (University of Florida)
Water conservation technologies and innovationf for grennhouses and nurseries.
Warner et al EDIS AEC664 Grower needs for water conservation (452 KB)
6 Dec 2018
Removal of Agrichemicals from Water Using Granular Activated Carbon Filtration
George A.Grant, Paul R. Fisher, James E.Barrett, Patrick C. Wilson (University of Florida)
Evaluation of the removal of agrichemicals from water using small-scale GAC system
RemovalOfVariousAgrichemicalsFromWaterWithGAC WaterAirSoilPollution (1176 KB)
29 Jun 2018
Paclobutrazol removal from irrigation water using a commercial-scale granular activated carbon system
George A. Grant, Paul R. Fisher, James E. Barrett, Patrick C. Wilson (Univeristy of Florida),
Rosa E. Raudales (University of Connecticut)
A commercial-scale granular activated carbon (GAC) system was evaluated for removal of the plant growth regulator paclobutrazol from recaptured irrigation water in an ornamental greenhouse operation.
GAC filtration in commercial greenhouse Scientia Horticulturae (455 KB)
5 Mar 2018
Removal of paclobutrazol from irrigation water using granularactivated carbon
George A. Grant, Paul R. Fisher, James E. Barrett, Patrick C. Wilson (University of Florida)
A small-scale granular-activated carbon (GAC) system was evaluated for removal of the plant growth regulator paclobutrazol from water.
Carbon Filtration Article Irrigation Science journal published (976 KB)
1 Nov 2017
Oxygenation of Irrigation Water during Propagation and Container Production of Bedding Plants
Erin J. Yafuso and Paul R. Fisher (University of Florida)
Evaluation of whether oxygenation of irrigation water affected plant growth and substrate dissolved oxygen (DO) levels during mist propagation of unrooted cuttings and subsequent growth in containers.
Erin Yafuso and Paul Fisher oxygenation article (305 KB)
22 Dec 2016
Survey of Physical, Chemical, and Microbial Water Quality in Greenhouse and Nursery Irrigation Water
Dustin P. Meador, Paul R. Fisher, Philip F. Harmon, Natalia A. Peres, Max Teplitski, and Charles L. Guy (University of Florida)
Analysis of the physical, chemical, and biological water quality in horticulture irrigation systems.
Meador et al water survey article (497 KB)
8 Apr 2016
Use of Dehydrated Agar to Estimate Microbial Water Quality for Horticulture Irrigation
Dustin P. Meador, Paul R. Fisher,* Charles L. Guy, Philip F. Harmon, Natalia A. Peres, and Max Teplitski (University of Florida)
Using estimated bacterial counts in irrigation water to predict potential biofilm risk and clogging of emitters.
Meador et al Petrifilms JEQ Published (724 KB)
25 Dec 2015
Sample Container and Storage Temperature for Paclobutrazol Monitoring in Irrigation Water
James E. Altland (USDA-ARS), Leslie Morris (USDA-ARS), Jennifer Boldt (USDA-ARS) , Paul Fisher (University of Florida), and Rosa Raudales (University of Florida)
Determining if sample container material or storage temperature affect paclobutrazol stability over time.
Paclobutrazol storage (73 KB)
1 Jun 2015
Phytotoxic Effects of Hypochlorous Acid, Chloramines, and Chlorine Dioxide in Irrigation Water Applied to Bedding and Vegetable Plants
Catherine M. Donovan, Paul r. Fisher, and Jinsheng Huang (University of Florida)
phytotoxic response of container-grown ornamental and vegetable plants to Hypochlorous Acid, Chloramines, and Chlorine Dioxide in Irrigation Water.
Donovan 221-225 (1025 KB)
1 Mar 2015
1 to 5 Moisture Scale: New bilingual videos and fact sheets to help your watering crew
Paul Fisher, Jinsheng Huang, Rosanna Freyre, and Ryan Dickson, University of Florida IFAS Extension
Learning when to water plants at the correct media moisture level.
1 to 5 moisture scale (594 KB)
1 Nov 2014
Waterborne Solutions: Access research on water treatment
Rosa Raudales, Bruce MacKay and Paul Fisher
Guide on the 'Waterborne Solutions' tool on BackPocketGrower.org and how it sumerizes research on treatment options for water quality issues.
Waterborne Solutions (274 KB)
1 Aug 2014
Validation of a Fertilizer Potential Acidity Model to Predict the Effects of Water-soluble Fertilizer on Substrate pH
Paul R. Fisher (Univeristy of Florida), William R. Argo (Blackmore Company), John A. Biernbaum (Michigan State Univeristy)
Two experiments conducted to validate a ‘‘Nitrogen Calcium Carbonate Equivalence (CCE)’’ model that predicts potential fertilizer basicity or acidity based on nitrogen (N) form and concentration for floriculture crops grown with water-soluble fertilizer in containers with minimal leaching.
Validation of fertilizer acidity model published (241 KB)
14 Jun 2014
Control of waterborne microbes in irrigation: A review
Rosa E. Raudales (University of Connecticut), Jennifer I. Parke (Oregon State University), Charles I. Guy, and Paul R. Fisher (Univeristy of Florida)
A summary of the effective dose for controlling target waterborne microorganisms.
Review Agricultural Water Management (776 KB)
1 Jun 2014
Modified Delphi Survey on Key Attributes for Selection of Water-treatment Technologies for Horticulture Irrigation
Rosa E. Raudales (University of Connecticut), Tracy A. Irani (University of Florida), Charles R. Hall (Texas A&M) , and Paul R. Fisher (University of Florida)
Modified Delphi Survey on Key Attributes for Selection of Water-treatment Technologies for Horticulture Irrigation
Delphi survey article published (158 KB)
1 Oct 2013
Ammonium in Nutrient Solutions Decreases Free Chlorine Concentration from Sodium Hypochlorite
Dustin P. Meador and Paul R. Fisher (University of Florida)
Quantifying the effect of water-soluble fertilizers on concentration of free chlorine level in a sodium hypochlorite solution.
Published HortSci Chlorine-chloramine article (469 KB)
1 Jun 2012
The Use of Petrifilms to Quantify Aerobic Bacteria in Irrigation Water
Dustin P. Meador, Paul R. Fisher, Max Telitski (University of Florida)
Qaunitfying the amount of aerobic bacteria in irrigation water.
FSHS 2012 Petrifilm article published (136 KB)
Improving irrigation practices in container stock plant production of herbaceous plant cuttings
P. R. Fisher (University of Florida) andR. W. Dickson (University of New Hampshire)
Evaluation alternative approaches to measure water and nutrient use efficiency, and reduce leaching of nutrient solution
Fisher and Dickson Irrigation Acta Hort 2018 (537 KB)
Managing water and oxygen for optimum rooting
Yafuso, E. and P. Fisher.
Using dissovled oxygen in irrigation water to promote optimum root growth.
Erin IPPS Article 2017 (498 KB)
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