29 Oct 2012
LimeR protocols and calculators
Jinsheng Huang and Paul Fisher (University of Florida), with contributions from William Argo (Blackmore Co.), and Paul Nelson (North Carolina State University).
The pdf file contains detailed laboratory procedures for the LimeR protocols and provides instructions to use the Excel files. Materials for conducting LimeR series tests are also provided.
Overall LimeR Model Oct 2012.xlsx
This Excel file combines the LimeR protocols and their underlying research and chemistry into a prototype Excel spreadsheet model called 'Overall LimeR Model'. Please refer to pages 32-37 in the 'LimeR Protocols.pdf' for details.
LimeR tests 1h.xls
This Excel file can be used for both LimeR Substrate Lime Requirement Test and LimeR Lime Reactivity Test. This Excel file contains 'Lime reactivity test' worksheet and 'Substrate lime requirement test' worksheet. For details, please refer to page 13 and page 17 in the 'LimeR Protocols.pdf'.
Residual Lime Calculator.xls
This Excel is to be used for the 'LimeR Residual Lime Calculator'. The Excel file contains 'System Calibration', 'Standard Curve' and 'Residual Lime Calculator' worksheets. Please refer to page 21 in the 'LimeR Protocols.pdf' for details.
Overall LimeR Model Oct2012.xlsx (226 KB)
LimeR tests 1h (300 KB)
Residual Lime Calculator (205 KB)
LimeR Protocols (2243 KB)
29 Oct 2009
Modeling lime reaction in peat-based substrates
Paul Fisher and Jinsheng Huang (University of Florida) and Bill Argo (Blackmore Co.)
This scientific article was originally published in Acta Horticulturae 718:461-468. This article presents insight view of a quantitative model to describe reaction of lime over time.
Modeling lime reaction scientific article (160 KB)
29 Oct 2009
Container Substrate-pH Response to Differing Limestone Type and Particle Size
Jinsheng Huang and Paul Fisher (University of Florida), and Bill Argo (Blackmore Company)
This scientific article was originally published in HortScience 42:1268-1273, 2007. The objective of this study was to develop reactivity indices to describe the pH
response for liming materials incorporated into container substrates.
SubstratepHResponsetoLimestoneTypeandParticlesize (1172 KB)
29 Oct 2009
A Gasometric Procedure to Measure Residual Lime in Container Substrates
Jinsheng Huang and Paul Fisher (University of Florida), Bill Argo (Blackmore Company)
This scientific article was originally publised in HortScience 42:1685-1689, 2007. This article decribes detailed procedures to measure residual lime in container media using a gasometric system.
AGasometricProceduretoMeasureResidualLime (153 KB)
9 Jul 2009
LimeR substrate lime requirement test
Jinsheng Huang and Paul Fisher (University of Florida)
How much lime does a particular batch of growing medium require to achieve a target pH? This video presentation shows details of a protocol to determine the lime requirement of a batch of growing media using a calcium hydroxide:pH-titration curve.
LimeR Requirement Test
9 Jul 2009
LimeR lime reactivity test
Jinsheng Huang and Paul Fisher (University of Florida)
How reactive is your lime source? This video presentation shows a protocol to test the reactivity of a liming material in horticultural substrates, to allow prediction of pH changes over time.
LimeR Limestone Reactivity Test
9 Jul 2009
LimeR residual lime calculator
Jinsheng Huang and Paul Fisher (University of Florida
Unreacted residual lime in container media provides buffering (resistance to change) in media-pH during crop production. This video presentation shows a substrate test protocol to measure how much residual lime is in a substrate sample, by applying HCl acid to a substrate sample, and measuring the evolved CO2 gas with a gasometric method.
LimeR Residual Lime Calculator
9 Jul 2009
LimeR substrate pH buffering test
Jinsheng Huang and Paul Fisher (University of Florida
How well buffered is a particular batch of growing medium? This video presentation shows a protocol to quickly determine pH buffering of a horticultural substrate by measuring pH change following an application of mineral acid (HCl).
LimeR Substrate pH Buffering Test
8 Jul 2009
Overall LimeR model
Jinsheng Huang and Paul Fisher (University of Florida)
Jinsheng Huang and Paul Fisher (University of Florida) present an overview of how lime reacts in container media, and introduces a series of laboratory protocols to predict pH response and lime buffering. A model is discussed that aims to integrate our current state of knowledge, and to allow R&D departments of media and fertilizer companies to explore the likely combined effects of different lime types, lime rates, and substrates.
LimeR Overall Model