USDA FNRI: Biofilm management in irrigation lines and hydroponic lettuce solutions using sanitizing chemicals
Paulo Rodrigues, University of São Paulo, Maria Fernanda Trientini and Paul Fisher, University of Florida
Evaluation of the effects of four sanitizers on (A) biofilm control within mist irrigation lines, and (B) biofilm and plant growth in hydroponic lettuce cultivation.
Michigan State University Greenhouse Management Article
Erik Runkle, Michigan State University and Paul Fisher, University of Florida
Erik Runkle at Michigan State University and Paul Fisher at University of Florida describe how to prevent crop losses by following greenhouse sanitation protocols and practices.
Genetic Transformation of Ornamental Succulents for Disease Resistance
Taylor Schulden, University of Maryland
Taylor Schulden, MSc student from University of Maryland advised by Dr. John Erwin, researches the genetic transformation of ornamental succulents for disease resistance.
21 Oct 2010
Spider mites (Tetranychus urticae) perform poorly on and disperse from plants exposed to methyl jasmonate
Charles L. Rohwer & John E. Erwin (University of Minnesota)
Jasmonates are plant hormones involved in wound and defense responses against herbivorous arthropods. Methyl jasmonate (MeJA) is used experimentally to induce defense responses in plants. Spraying plants with 100 lM MeJA 1 day before infestationcaused mites to disperse within 2 days from treated impatiens [Impatiens wallerana Hook f.,'Super Elfin Pink' (Balsaminaceae)], pansy [Viola x wittrockiana Gams, 'Imperial Beaconsfield'(Violaceae)], and tomato [Solanum lycopersicum L., 'Big Boy' (Solanaceae)] plants. In addition, MeJAapplication reduced mite proliferation rate on impatiens and pansy by 60% (measured 22-34 daysafter infestation). Proteinase inhibitor (PI) assays suggested that MeJA-induced PIs alone were notresponsible for the observed results in pansy and impatiens but may have been a factor in tomato.